21.09 — 25.10.2012


Aliki Braine / Käthe Hager von Strobele / John Hilliard / Ernst Koslitsch / Edgar Lissel / Michael Mastrototaro (MACHFELD) / Anna Mossman / Gregor Neuerer / Klaus Pamminger / Markus Hofer und Roman Pfeffer / Rini Tandon

So you should simply make the instantStand out, without in the process hidingWhat you are making it stand out from. Give your actingThat progression of one-thing-after-another, That attitude ofWorking up what you have taken on. In this wayYou will show the flow of events and also the courseOf your work, permitting the spectatorTo experience this Now on many levels…
(Bertolt Brecht, Portrayal of Past and Present in One)

Serving as a point of departure for the exhibition Prozesse (Processes) is Bertolt Brecht’s idea of a theater in which the present state is not isolated but is instead to be understood within the context of its generative process. With this in mind, the image is not to be considered an outcome, an artistic statement completing the work, but rather a part of a practice where processual openness and uncertain, “not-yet-concrete” states are the focal points. The way in which the artworks confront both the traces of their conception (documents, texts, drafts, etc.) and other artists is designed to invite the beholder to “experience” the individual work, along the lines of Brecht, “to experience on many levels” through a “flow of events.” Conceived as structure-altering modi, here processes are reflected upon in a dual sense. For instance, the social, mental, and aesthetic developments represented in the works of art are confronted with the actual conditions of art production. Traces of life, spaces of thought and memory, and mediatic points of intersection are the three axes along which the interrelationship between art and life is presented as one that remains open, transitory, and dynamic.